Trace of Magic Audiobook
By: Diana Pharaoh Francis
Narrated by: Elizabeth Phillips
Published by BelleBooks, Inc. 03/28/16
Trace of Magic Audiobook Sample
Trace of Magic Audiobook
3.5 Hearts
I’ve heard great things about Diana Pharaoh Francis for a long time from Berls from Fantasy is More Fun, so when I finally got a chance to review one of her audiobooks, I jumped at the chance. I didn’t really know much about this book going it. I had not read any reviews, only the blurb from Goodreads. I will say, that I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it.
This is a world where you have people with different magical abilities. Riley Hollis is a Tracer. She can follow someone’s trace and see where they’ve been in the past. She is much stronger than she lets on though. If some of the powerful people figured out how powerful she really was, she would become a target. Most people can only track someone’s trace for a short time. Riley can track someone’s trace back forever and even after they died.
Detective Clay Price is known as a dirty cop. He is in the pocket of the mob as an enforcer. However, when he isn’t doing the mob’s work, he is actually a pretty good cop. He needs someone to do a trace for him, but doesn’t want it to be on the record with the police or the mob, so he comes to Riley. He makes her an offer she can’t refuse to work for him. Then her sister calls in hysterics because her boyfriend’s place is in disarray. Price and and Riley work together to find out what happened to the boyfriend. They find out it is all tied together.
I really enjoyed this story. It was full of action. I liked the magic. Riley is a great character that is full of sass. Price is decent character, better than I thought he would be, seeing that he was part of the mob and all. I was a little surprised that Riley gives in and sleeps with him as quickly as she did. She also starts to reveal more and more about herself to him faster than I would’ve thought, even after sleeping with him. There are also some really great side characters in this story that I would like to learn more about.
It was a pretty good start to the series. I would like to see the second book and see where this series goes. It has promise. The second book isn’t available on audio yet. I don’t know if it will be or not. I’ll have to wait a bit and see.
Trace of Magic Audiobook Narration
3.5 Hearts
This is my first audiobook with Elizabeth Phillips. I will say that I thought she did a great job. I has no issues with any of the voices, male or female. I was always able to distinguish between the characters. I did listen at an increased speed, but that is normal for me. I would recommend her for more books.
Diana Pharaoh Francis
I was raised on a cattle ranch in Northern California (outside a town called Lincoln which is now part of an enormous sprawl). I taught myself to ride a horse at the age of six, as no one had the time to teach me—they were all busy learning how to irrigate, how to cajole an angry bull into another field, how to pull a calf… Afraid of heights, and absolutely sure I was going to die, I managed to scramble up on the back of a very patient and lazy strawberry roan destrier, and plod off into the sunset.
Thereafter, I spent much of my early life on horseback, or so far buried into a book that the rest of the world ceased to exist (much to the annoyance of my family—it took several attempts to get my attention). We all had very specific jobs on the ranch and mine was horses and cattle—out rounding up at dawn. And since I rode bareback, my standing request was to wake me up 5 minutes before everyone else headed for the barn—time enough to dress and eat my Wheaties, and no sleep time wasted on saddling.
After high school, I attended college after college, racking up a BA and MA in creative writing and a Ph.D. in literature and theory. My very patient and supportive husband traipsed across the Midwest and back to Montana for me (though my husband insists that he’s been running and hiding and I just keep finding him), where I now teach at the University of Montana-Western. We also a son Q-ball, who in our humbly unbiased opinions, is the most wonderful son ever produced, and a daughter, Princess Caesar, who is the most wonderful daughter ever produced.
I have a fascination for the Victorians, weather, geology, horses, plants and mythology, I like spicy food, chocolate and cheesecake, and I have an odd sense of humor. (Or so I’ve been told. Often.) Incidentally, the Pharaoh is in fact my real name, and oddly enough, is of British origin.
Some of my current favorite sf/f writers are Ilona Andrews, Carol Berg, C.E. Murphy, Patty Briggs, Lynn Flewelling, Rachel Caine, David Coe, and Anne Bishop.
I like to thanks Diana Pharaoh Francis for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.
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