12 Days of Book Blogmas Challenge – The Nicest Characters

Posted by on Dec 18, 2014 in Miscellaneous, News | 30 comments

12 Days of Book Blogmas Challenge

Day 5


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Day five of this fabulous Christmas challenge hosted by Parajunkee

The Nicest Book Characters

Here is our list of the nicest characters  from books we listened/read in 2014

We had a few of the same, so we tried to pick the different ones.

Nice Chracters

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Written On my Own Heart's Blodd Audiobook

Jamie Fraser

Sebastian York’s portrayal of Drew was perfect, right on! How easy the wrong tone would have sent me to the wrong side of this story. It’s not easy listening to a guy tell you how hot, smart and sexy he is, or how he can have any woman he wants, without thinking “this guy is a jerk!” But Sebastian beautifully brought him to life in a manner that made him sound likable by conveying how Drew beyond his words didn’t take himself seriously. Excellent pace and approach! And, oh boy! He’s got the romance gene!

Drew Evans

Burn for Me Audiobook

Nevada Baylor

Burn For me
Demon from the Dark Audiobook

Malkom Slaine

Augustus Waters

[ultimate_spacer height=”35″][ultimate_info_table design_style=”design02″ color_scheme=”custom” color_txt_main=”#000000″ color_bg_highlight=”#e94440″ color_txt_highlight=”#000000″ package_heading=”Mealanie’s Picks” package_sub_heading=”Nicest Characters” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”3990″ img_width=”67″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#333333″ icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#e94440″ icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″]
The King Audiobook


The King
Burn for Me Audiobook

Connor ``Mad Rogan``

Burn for Me
Murder of Crows Audiobook

Meg Corbin

Murder Of Crows
Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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