Dragon Squeeze Audiobook by Eve Langlais (REVIEW)

Posted by on May 1, 2017 in Reviews | 24 comments

Review of: Dragon Squeeze Audiobook
Eve Langlais

Reviewed by:
On May 1, 2017
Last modified:August 24, 2022


Dragon Squeeze Audiobook

By: Eve Langlais

Narrated by: Chandra Skyye

Published by: Tantor Media 04/04/2017

Dragon Squeeze Audiobooks by Eve Langlais

4 Hearts rating image Hot Listens

Dragon Point Series #2

6 hrs and 14 mins

Genre: Parnormal Romance

Dragon Squeeze Audiobook Sample

Dragon Squeeze Audiobook

4 Hearts

I’ve really enjoyed all of these shifter “Point” books that Eve Langlais has written. It starts with Kodiak Point with Alaskan shifters, including a moose and caribou. Then she spins off to Bitten Point, which has crocs and pythons. Then she spins off to this Dragon Point series, where we get dragons. I know that sounds like a lot, but each series does stand alone. I would recommend starting with book one for whichever series you want to try, but each series stands alone from the others. You will pick up some Easter eggs from the previous series and there are some minor characters that carryover. If you want to read about really funny shifters, Eve Langlais is your girl.

So in the first book, we learned that dragons exist and that the other shifters are out to the humans. Dragons are still in hiding. They still remember the ages of knights that liked to hunt them down. They are just now getting their numbers back to where they feel they should be. However, there are still some rules in place to keep those numbers up. If a female doesn’t have a mate before their 28th birthday, they will be forced to live with the female head of their clan and get artificially inseminated to produce the next generation. In the first book, we watched as Aimi found her mate with someone from Bitten Point. Now it is her twin sister’s turn.

Adi is quite the hacker. She is looking into a company called Lytropia Institute. She’s convinced that they are just Bittech in disguise and that they are doing tests on shifters and humans. She also has a bit of infatuation with the IT guy there. Little did she realize (at least until later), that he was looking into the company too.

Dex is a hacker for hire. He’s really good at his job. That is until a little someone distracts him. He tries his best to hold her off, but it only works for so long. She keeps trying to come up with a pet name for him, but he has as comeback for every name she uses.

This was another fun installment of this series. I love Eve Langlais. Again, I would read this series starting with book one, Becoming Dragon. There is an overall story arc for each series that makes it very helpful to read in order (again, each of these “Point” series can be read as stand alone).

Dragon Squeeze Narration

3.5 Hearts

Chandra Skyye has been narrating these series from the beginning. Actually, the first book I ever listened to her narrated was the first Kodiak Point book. She’s done several of Eve’s series since then. While I don’t love her, I think she does a good job. She voices male and female character well. She doesn’t have a large pool of voices to choose from, so if you listen to several series close together, you will hear her reusing voices, but not within the same book. I would also like someone who brought out more of the humor of these stories. I have gotten used to her and would think it was weird to change narrators at this point.

Author Eve LanglaisHello, my name is Eve Langlais and I am an International Bestselling author who loves to write hot romance, usually with werewolves, cyborgs or aliens .

I should warn you, I have a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor something I like to let loose in my writing. While well known for my shifter stories, I am also extremely partial to aliens, the kind who like to abduct humans and then drive them insane…with pleasure. Or do you like something a little darker, more serious? Then check out my cyborgs whose battle with humanity have captivated readers worldwide.

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Narrator Chandra Skyye

Chandra Skyye loves bringing characters and stories to life through voice acting and singing the blues. A lover of life, she spends her spare time being creative, appreciating nature, and sharing fun times with nice people and good dogs.


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I like to thanks Tantor Media for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.


Reviewed by:

ML Simmons Reviewer

  • 4
    editor rating
Melanie Simmons
I’m Melanie and I live in Ohio. I have two horses and a dog. I’m an animal lover, avid book reader and audiobook listener. I like to live vicariously through fictional characters. I enjoy reading and listening to mostly fictional books in the paranormal genre, including Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters, doesn’t matter the flavor.