Fierce Obsessions Audiobook
By: Suzanne Wright
Narrated by: Jill Redfield
Published by: Brilliance Audio 06/13/17
Fierce Obsessions Audiobook Sample
Fierce Obsessions Audiobook
3 Hearts
So, after a book with the Mercury Pack, we are back to the Phoenix Pack. Tao is a character that I’ve enjoyed since the beginning of the series. He’s the head enforcer and has been with Trey since he started his own pack. He is a bit on the quiet side and a little grumpy.
Riley is a raven shifter. She is staying with the Phoenix Pack. She left her flock (that’s what they call a group of raven shifters), but no one knows why. She was with a group of lone shifters and helping with orphaned kids. She sorta adopted two (a cheetah and a snake), but she doesn’t realize how much (those kids are hers in every way but officially).
I’ve been a fan of this series for a while. It is starting to get a bit stale to me. The women all seem the same. They are all very strong willed and speak their mind. Don’t get me wrong, I love those traits, but it seems like every new female character is almost exactly like the one before it.
The plot lines aren’t very strong. We get to learn more about Riley and the raven shifters. That was interesting. There was also another storyline, but to be honest, I can’t even remember what it was (yes, I waited too long before writing this review). I know it had something to do with humans. I did love the kids. They were a lot of fun and added to this story.
While I did enjoy this story, I really wish it had more story and less sex. I don’t mind a lot of sex in a book, but here it just isn’t working for me. I want more relationship. More suspense and less Greta (Trey’s grandmother who has been grouchy from the beginning. At first it was funny, but it has just gotten old. I’m really tired of hearing her call every single new girl a “hussy”, with the exception of one).
If you’re looking for a paranormal romance with some sexy shifters, this is a fun series. I know I sound like I didn’t enjoy it, but I did. I think I’m just wanting more than I’m getting. Still worth the read.
Fierce Obsessions Audiobook Narration
4 Hearts
I’ve really enjoyed Jill’s narration of this series. I think she does a great job with all the characters. She does the perfect voice for the excessively grouchy Greta. She does really well with the kids. I like her male and female voices. So, ya, I just like her overall.
Narrator Jill Redfield
Narrator Jill Redfield broke into the Audiobook scene with big success with Silvia Days’ Crossfire Series. Since then, she has also narrated other successful series like, Phoenix Pack. Her level of expertise leads me to believe this a pseudonymous …I’ll keep searching! Until now I haven’t come across with a similar voice in all my romance listens. It could be that she narrates other genres besides romance.
I like to thank Brilliance Audio for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.
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