Modern Love Audiobook
By: Beau Noth
Narrated by: Becci Martin
Published by Beau North 6/26/2018
4 hrs and 39 mins
Modern Love Audiobook Sample
Modern Love Audiobook
4.5 Hearts
I was only going to listen to one chapter… and, I was captivated so that I was well over half-way into the story of Alice and Will and their complicated lives before I knew what had happened (on a side note, I managed to weed the whole garden at the same time).
I read Modern Love when it first released into print and enjoyed it so I accepted the opportunity to experience it on audio, too. So glad, I did. I’ve always said that I engage with a book more deeply when I get it on audiobook and this was no exception. Becci Martin was a fabulous fit for this for this contemporary romance for a pair of skeptical and jaded, definitely complicated Millennials trying to figure out life and love.
Alice is a young college age gal who can’t seem to get over a heartwrenching break-up with her girlfriend of two years. She works hard at her job, college, and hits her Meetings when she needs one, but other than that she doesn’t get out. Her sister Emma decides enough is enough and, with the help of her boyfriend, sets Ally up. And, of boy did the fur fly when Ally and Warinder ‘Will’ Murphy have a meet-cute that is epic fail.
A friendship forms over mutual interest in David Bowie and so much more. That works for the pair who are getting over past relationships and struggle in their personal lives- Ally with her addictions, not being over her girlfriend’s abandonment, and grief over her mom leaving the family and Will over his mistrust of relationships and being bi-racial and not accepted in either world.
But, then the feelings kick in and these two wary people have to decide whether to open up and trust or bail. I have to admit, they took turns giving me the urge to shake them (communicate, people and don’t assume!), but I liked them so much and wanted so badly for them to work past their struggles and make it together.
So, my re-read/listen just made me an even bigger fan of the story and the author’s work. I didn’t want to go back to the book I was supposed to be listening to and didn’t. Instead, I immersed myself in the world of two cagey millennials trying to find love in the modern world.
Modern Love Audiobook Narration
5 Hearts
I mentioned really loving on Becci Martin‘s narrative work. I thought she did a great job nailing Alice’s voice and then all the other voices whether it was gender or accent. Her ability to capture the tone of the story and the range of emotions including the harder stuff near the end. This was my first encounter with her work, but I would definitely listen to more
Beau North is the author of three books and a contributor to multiple anthologies. Beau is a native southerner who now calls Portland, Oregon home with her husband and two cats. She attended the University of South Carolina where she began a lifelong obsession with Literature. In her spare time, Beau is the co-host of the podcast Excessively Diverted: Modern Austen On-Screen.
2017 IPPY Award-Winning author
RWA-PAN Member
Rose City
Romance Writers Member
Becci Martin is a spirited chatterbox living in KC who’s been known to entertain a group with a great story.
She’s worked in radio (on air and behind the scenes) since 2008 and has voice over credits ranging from commercial work to audiobook titles.
Don’t let the broadcast background fool you. She’s got a versatile arsenal of deliveries ranging from mature and engaging to witty and dramatic, but her wheelhouse delivery style is warm, friendly and casual.
If you’ve got a project that needs to brought to life, she’ll help you get it there!
My thanks to The Author for the opportunity to listen to this book in exchange for an honest review.
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