Rusty Nailed Audiobook by Alice Clayton (Review)

Posted by on Sep 11, 2014 in Reviews | 27 comments

Review of: Rusty Nailed Audiobook
Alice Clayton

Reviewed by:
On September 11, 2014
Last modified:August 24, 2022


Rusty Nailed Audiobook

By: Alice Clayton

Narrated by: Heather Smith

Published by: Simon & Schuster Audio 06/24/14

Rusty Nailed Audiobook Cover

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Rusty Nailed Audibook Publisher’s Summary
” txt_color=”#000000″ modal_size=”small” modal_style=”overlay-cornerbottomleft” overlay_bg_color=”#333333″ overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ content_text_color=”#000000″ header_bg_color=”#7a5ea8″ header_text_color=”#333333″ modal_border_width=”2″ modal_border_color=”#333333″ modal_border_radius=”0″ content_bg_color=”#f2f0f5″ modal_title=”Rusty Nailed Audiobook”]In this sequel to Wallbanger, fan favorites Caroline Reynolds and Simon Parker negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while house-sitting in Sausalito.

Playing house was never so much fun – or so confusing. With her boss on an extended honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy-long hours to keep the interior design company running – especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel. And with Simon, her hotshot photographer boyfriend, gallivanting all over the world for his job, the couple is heavy-duty into “absence makes the heart grow fonder” mode. No complaints about the great reunion sex, though!

Then a trip back east to his childhood home has Simon questioning his nomadic lifestyle. He decides to be home more. A lot more. And he wants Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort out their relationship. Sure, more togetherness is a good thing – but does less traveling and working have to mean the other extreme? Apple pie and picket fences? With this second book in the Cocktail series, USA Today best-selling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy confection of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!

©2014 Alice Clayton (P)2014 Simon & Schuster.[/ultimate_modal][ultimate_spacer height=”15″]


4.5 stars rating

Cocktail Series # 2

10 hrs and 14 mins

Contemporary Romance logo

Rusty Nailed Audiobook sample

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Alice Clayton Nailed it! She totally did a bang up job with this book. Rusty Nailed Audiobook is just as enjoyable as the last installment, Wallbanger. It was fun, witty, and I didn’t think possible, but I fell deeper in love with Simon.

Caroline and Simon had moved on to a more serious phase in their relationship and here you will see how they adjust to them. They have come to a time in their lives when everyone around them are either getting married or having kids. The pressure is definitely on.

Simon, my ever so sweet Wallbanger was just perfect. I don’t think he can do anything wrong. Everything he did was just amazing, and I think he is just the perfect boyfriend. Caroline is one lucky witch to have scored this Wallbanger for her own. There is no doubt she deserves him as much as he deserves her. She was after all good to him…most of the time. But there were times when Caroline annoyed me beyond belief with her damn “pickles.” It felt like she was a bomb waiting to explode. And I think this is where the conflict fell just a little short for me.

Caroline is an over-achiever, and I think she is a commitment-phobe or so appeared to be in this book. Because of that, it dampened on their relationship. The build up of all her “pickles” made it seem like there would be a big blowout but in the end it was easily fixed by just sitting down and discussing things like adults. Not that I didn’t like her, because I did, and her issues were all valid it’s just that she didn’t handle them very well. Damn those “pickles.” In the end, she did make the right decision and won back my heart.

You’ll also see more of their friend’s lives as they go on with theirs. It was cute to see them with their issues too. They made me laugh. Though some are out of these world scenes, I know friends who went through similar drama. It’s definitely more entertaining in books.

I think part of my love for this book is that it’s done in the city where I grew up. The mention of the Claremont hotel where my mom used to work was kind of cool. I love the descriptions of the city and the bay. Reading this story felt like home.

Pink Earphones

Rusty Nailed Audibook Narration

Heather Smith’s narration is so much better this time. She captured Caroline’s personality to a tee. And I applaud her from holding back on the overly done of sounds she made from the last book Wallbanger. Of course, there was less of it this time around but it worked in her favor. Her pace is still on the slower end but easily overlooked. This narrator is definitely growing on me.

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Author Alice Clayton

Author Alice Clayton

Novelist Alice Clayton makes her home in St. Louis where she enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up after, and is trying desperately to get her long-time boyfriend to make her an honest woman–and please buy her a Bernese Mountain dog.




No image to be found of Heather Smith, maybe the Cocktail series was her first narrating job, or she could be using a Pseudonymous, although she doesn’t sound like anyone I have listened to before…. I’ll keep looking  🙂




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Guest reviewed by:

Angela C. logo (signature)

  • 4.5
    editor rating
Loupe Duffy
A mom, a wife, a friend, a happy ending addict, an Audiobook junkie, a wine lover and geek wanna -be. I'm constantly looking to be blown away.
Loupe Duffy

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