The Elder Ice Audiobook
By: David Hambling
Narrated by: Brian J. Gill
Published by: David Hambling 08/22/16
The Elder Ice Audiobook Sample
The Elder Ice Audiobook
3.5 Hearts
The author contacted me about reviewing this book. I haven’t read many books like this one, as I don’t read a lot historical stories, but I do love a good mystery, so I thought I would give this one a try. My understanding is that this has a Lovecraft aura to it. As I’ve never read Lovecraft, I can’t comment on it, but seems to be a common theme from others who’ve read this work. There is also the Cthulhu mythology in the story.
Harry Stubbs is former military and boxer, turned collections agent. Here, Harry is asked to investigate the now deceased Ernest Shackleton. He is to find out what or if Shackleton found anything when he was exploring Antarctica. Stubbs gets more than he bargains for with this investigation. He is chased by assassins and more, when he was expecting just digging up information without much, if any, danger.
This is a short story, coming in at less than three hours. But it is a full and complete story, taking place in the 1920s. As I’ve said, I don’t read much historical stories, but you can really feel the research that the author did with this story. Mostly, I noticed his research into Antarctic explorations (and that of the Arctic as well), boxing and even the occult of the times. I really fell into the story and the history that went along with it. It made me want to read more about the early explorers of Antarctica.
Harry Stubbs is also a great and fully developed every-man type of character. I really liked Harry. I felt he really wanted to do a good job for his employer and better his station in life, as a guy without a huge amount of education. He wants to see this investigation thing become a bigger part of his role, instead of just being muscle to collect on debts.
If you like stories with science fiction and investigations, set in the past, this is a great story for you to try.
The Elder Ice Audiobook Narration
4 Hearts
This is my first time with Brian J. Gill narrating a story. I thought he did a good job with the accents and different voices of the characters. He really brought Harry to life in this story. I would listen to him narrate more stories.
Author: David Hambling
David Hambling is a journalist and author who has lived in Norwood, South London since 2000. He writes about science and technology for New Scientist magazine, The Economist, WIRED, Popular Mechanics, and writes a science column for Fortean Times (“the magazine of unexplained phenomena”). In addition to non-fiction books, his ‘Shadows From Norwood’ project seeks to bring HP Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos to South London, via the Harry Stubbs novels and a number of short stories.
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